In September 2017, the HCJ
considered all 120 candidates, which the HQCJ had recommended to appoint to the new Supreme Court, in just two weeks. After that, the HCJ immediately submitted the order to the President on their appointment. However, Viktoriya Matsedonska was not among candidates, though her dossier contained
positive information from the Public Council of Integrity.
In January 2014, in the midst of confrontation at Maidan Viktoriya Matsedonska dared to openly state on the unlawfulness of
decision of the judge Bogdan Sanin, who on November 30, 2013, banned meeting at Khreschatyk and Independence Square in Kyiv. The decision of Sanin became the legal ground for
breaking up students at Maidan by Berkut of riot police unit. Viktoriya Matsedonska was the member of the panel of judges of Kyiv Administrative Court Appeal, which reconsidered the decision of Sanin. Although judges of the Court of Appeal
supported the ban, Viktoriya Matsedonska disagreed and
wrote dissenting opinion stating that such ban was unconstitutional.
For over 7 months, the HCJ for no reason did not file the appeal on the appointment of Viktoriya Matsedonska to the Supreme Court. And
did so only in May 2018.
However, if the HCJ recommended Viktoriya Matsedonska, it refused to appoint the judge Pavlo Parkhomenko at all.
This judge of Bakhmut District Court of Chernihiv region took part in the second wave of the competition to the Supreme Court. He won the competition for the position of a judge to the Supreme Court. In March 2019, the HCJ considered candidates and initiated the appointment of all of them. Among candidates, nominated to the Supreme Court, were judges who harassed participants of the Maidan, concealed their property, made arbitrary decisions, and took part in corruption schemes. However, Pavlo Parkhomenko, who
received the award "Honor of the Year" for his work on protection of children's rights, according to the opinion of the HCJ
turned out unworthy of the position of the judge to the Supreme Court.